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Sundance Shorts: Dawn Review


Director: Rose McGowan

Starring: Tara Lynn Barr; Reiley McClendon; Hannah Marks; Michael Moskewicz

Synopsis: 1961, and fifteen year old Dawn is on the cusp of womanhood. However an encounter with a local boy Charlie, when her overprotective parents are out of town, takes her a long way from home, and into a very dark place indeed

Scream queen, Rose McGowan may be best known for her performances in films such as GRINDHOUSE, SCREAM and supernatural TV show Charmed, but she’s just unveiled her directorial debut at Sundance 2014 with short feature, DAWN. And, as you might expect from McGowan, it’s a disturbing and sinister ride.

Tara Lynn Barr is excellent as Dawn. She captures the awkwardness and excitement of teenage love and budding sexuality through a stick of bubble gum and a copy of Tattler (gifts from Charlie). She’s completely convincing as she juggles her newly found desires with her parents’ rules.

DAWN is a triumph of mise-en-scène and cinematography; a colour palette of safe neutrals suggests the normality and mores of American suburbia, while Dawn wears pastel hues and admires Doris Day. However the dark underbelly of this ‘perfect’ existence is never far, shown by Charlie’s teenage friends – Joe swigs liquor from a hip flask while Mary smokes, wears red and has long dark hair with a dangerous fringe.

If this all sounds a little stereotypical, McGowan has some surprises. We’re kept guessing right up to the final scenes. When the end does come, it’s sudden, shocking and leaves us asking questions, even when you think you’ve figured it all out. Rose McGowan is already working on her first full length feature, and judging by DAWN she’s definitely one to watch out for.

[usr=4]  DAWN is screening at the Sundance Film Festival.

Check out screenings via this link and more on Sundance 2014 here.


Claire Joanne Huxham comes from the south-west, where the cider flows free and the air smells of manure. She teaches A-level English by day and fights crime by night. When not doing either of these things she can usually be found polishing her Star Trek DVD boxsets. And when she can actually be bothered she writes fiction and poetry that pops up on the web and in print. Her favourite film in the whole world, ever, is BLADE RUNNER.

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