Going to the cinema to see your favourite flick is meant to be a pleasant experience that brings you closer to favourite onscreen characters. Cinema etiquette is imperative when you are at the movie theatre so that you can be sure to enjoy your experience and so that you don’t get in the way of others. Cinema etiquette dates back to the era of silent films; these rules where designed to ensure that people did not disrupt the silent film.
Never talk loudly; if you’re a friend or a date then keep your voice low if it’s absolutely necessary to say something.
Put your phone on silent; or vibrate! Texting in theatre is generally ok but an incessant messaging tone – it may become annoying to other cinema goers.
Don’t ask questions; if you’re seeing a sequel – be sure to watch the prequel so that you are not asking your partner about what is going on.
Tread lightly; if you need to go to the toilet, get more soda and more popcorn then no one should have to feel your feet on their.
Keep your area clean; people who have cinema jobs can tell you that it’s annoying to clean up your mess and try to keep tidy.
Keep your feet on the floor; putting feet up on another seat where someone else is sitting is simply rude so just don’t do it!
Avoid spilling spoilers; it’s all good if you’re back for the fifth time then don’t tell your partner or friend what is coming next, that is rude and spoils the whole reason why someone paid money to watch a film.
Use the right cup-holder; on each seat the cup-holder is on the left, the one right may lead to some trouble if the cinema is filled to capacity.
Don’t snore or drool; sleeping is fine but try not to sleep too deeply to the point where you snore or drool on your partner, especially if it’s a first date!
Seat kicking is rude; some people do strange things and kick the seat in front of them for no apparent reason, this is not okay if someone is sitting in front of you.