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Prevenge review: Dir. Alice Lowe (2016)

Prevenge review: Alice Lowe writes, directs and stars in this comedy slasher about an unborn foetus with murder on its mind…

Prevenge review by Kat Hughes, February 2017.

Usually pregnancy is something to be celebrated. Imagine however, that your unborn baby is controlling you from the womb. Even worse, your child has murder on its mind and demands that you satisfy its thirst for blood. This is exactly the dilemma that Ruth (Alice Lowe) finds herself in. After her partner is tragically killed in a hiking accident, Ruth finds herself at the whim of extreme pregnancy cravings as she starts to hunt down those that let her partner die.

Prevenge is an exceptional, original take on the revenge thriller. A baby seeking vengeance before having even been born is a stroke of genius. Interesting, Lowe who wrote, directs and leads Prevenge, made the film in just eleven days, whilst in the third trimester of her own pregnancy. For anyone to churn out such a well constructed, funny and engaging movie in such a short shoot is no small feat, let alone having to simultaneously battle mood swings, swollen ankles and an aching back.

In addition to her fantastic narrative and strong direction, Lowe does a superb job at playing Ruth. Maybe the fact that Lowe was genuinely pregnant helps aid things, but as insane as the story is, it all feels real. Yes this is a film about ‘prevenge’, but it’s also a great study on grief, loneliness and the fears of motherhood. You could take out all the murder sequences (though don’t, they’re bloody brilliant, emphasis on the bloody) and you’d still have a compelling drama. Lowe more than proves herself as an actor too as Ruth fully inhabits her fake personas, Lowe showing a very chameleon acting ability, flitting from one character to another effortlessly.

The supporting cast are also all fantastic. A blend of familiar faces of comedy and drama, all British; everyone has been cast to perfection. Kate Dickie (The Witch, Game of Thrones) is a hard-nosed business women, Gemma Whelan (Game of Thrones) a fitness fanatic, Kayvan Novak (Four Lions) is a friendly climbing instructor, and Jo Hartley (Eddie the Eagle) is a loveable, cheery mid-wife.

Prevenge is a wonderfully original tale with the perfect balance of horror and humour. You’ll find yourself wincing, crying and laughing in equal measure, strange bedfellows yes, but within Prevenge this tone works beautifully. A unique story that you’ll not soon forget, Prevenge is the revenge film you’ve been waiting for.

Prevenge review by Kat Hughes, February 2017.

Prevenge is released in cinemas across the UK on Friday 10th February, 2017.


Kat Hughes



Exceptionally original and exciting, Prevenge is a brilliant dark-hearted comedy.


Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.


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