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Emily Booth to star in ‘Electric Meat’ and appear at HorrorConUK

Emily Booth, one of the UK’s iconic women of horror, has joined forces with fast-emerging TV Channel NYX UK and will appear at HorrorConUK on May 11 & 12 at Magna, Sheffield. Booth has also announced her next movie project, Electric Meat.

At HorrorConUK Emily will be hosting the NYX UK stand, alongside Corinne Ferguson. CEO of NYX Media Corporation. Emily will also be signing photos and merchandise.

Emily said today: ‘I’m thrilled to be collaborating with NYX. Horror is my happy place and I can’t wait to reconnect with fans. Its refreshing to find a channel that curates both classic with contemporary horror so you can sit back and be entertained without spending half the evening doom scrolling through endless lists not knowing what to watch!”

Corinne added: “We are so excited to announce that Emily will join us at this year’s UK HorrorCon, representing and promoting our channel to the enthusiasts in attendance. She embodies the strength and spirit of horror, making her an ideal ambassador for our brand”.

Emily is also excited to announce that she’ll be co-starring in Electric Meat, a brand new horror feature, written and directed by Dan Schaffer.

Emily added: “Think early David Lynch stuck inside Torture Garden!”

Acknowledged as one of Britain’s premiere scream queens, actress, presenter, burlesque performer and all-round movie buff, Emily Booth has starred in numerous horror films, including Jake West’s EVIL ALIENS and DOGHOUSE, and has presented for Channel 4, Channel 5, Bravo, BBC3, FrightFest, Radio One and The Horror Channel. She produced, wrote and starred in the short film SELKIE.

Tickets for HorrorConUK can be found here.

Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.


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