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Laga Gaga reveals her wig collection

Lady Gaga has over 20 wigs – one for every mood.

The eccentric singer has the huge collection of hair pieces so she doesn’t have to see a hair stylist every time she wants a new look.

Pic: Lady Gaga.

Pic: Lady Gaga.

She said: “I have more than 20 wigs. So I can have a new hairstyle without having to keep running to the hairdresser every day. That’s great, right? And depending on my mood I opt for this at one time and for that at others. How I present myself to the outside world always depends on how I feel inside.”

Lady Gaga believes each of her wigs has its own individual personality and when she dons the locks she takes on its characteristics.

She added: “My red curly wig is wild and a little confused. I think I’m also just a bit confused and messy.”

But the 23-year-old singer insists she doesn’t need to don a wig to feel crazy because she feels crazy enough anyway.

She added to German newspaper Main Post: “I find myself already crazy enough. It can be confusing really, this life as Lady Gaga. Sometimes everything turns in my head. That´s my life, my wonderful, crazy life.”

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