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About that Avatar sex scene…

So, the sex scene in AVATAR. A little disappointing no? I thought so… but you’ll be pleased to hear that a full-on blue-on-blue scene was actually shot by James Cameron for the movie, but they cut it out right at the last minute (they had to guarantee that kid-friendly rating). BUT, said scene will be included on the upcoming (probably Summer) DVD and Blu-Ray, according to Mr. Cameron himself.

“We had it in and we cut it out,” he said. “So that will be something for the special edition DVD, if you want to see how they have sex.”

Is it weird that I do?

Na’vi hottie Zoe Saldana described the ‘mating’ with ReelzChannel. Seems it’s exactly the same as they connect with those horse type things. That’s just wrong missy!

“If you sync to your banshee and you’re syncing to a tree, why not sync into a person?,” she said. “I almost feel like you’ll have the most amazing orgasm, I guess. It was a very funny scene to shoot because there were so many technical things that sometimes you have to keep in mind that paying attention to all those might disrupt the fluidity of how a scene is supposed to take place. And because Jim was shooting for a PG-13 rating, we couldn’t move in certain directions. The motion would look a little too past the PG-13 rating standards. So it was really funny for Sam and me. We had a lot of giggles there.”

AVATAR is still jumping out of the screen EVERYWHERE!

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