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Hawke wanted something different so did Daybreakers

Ethan Hawke starred in ‘Daybreakers’ because he wanted to do something different.

The 39-year-old actor claims he opted to appear in the sci-fi movie – in which he plays a vampire scientist concerned about an impending lack of blood to feed the world’s population – because it represents wider global problems.

He said: “I wanted to do something I hadn’t done. The idea that we’re running out of our resources is something you see on the regular news.

“Here the joke is the resource is human beings. Draining the blood dry of the earth is something we’re talking about all of the time as our ice caps melt.”

The ‘Training Day’ actor also admitted he did no preparation for the role.

He told “I’d like to meet the actor who spent a year biting people to really know what that’s like. I think the genius of the vampire myth for me is to wonder what it’s like to live your life without fear of death.

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