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Jaws to get the reboot?

While browsing the net tonight I came across this ‘rumour’ which originated from Cinema Blend via This all sounds a bit crazy to me, but a source at the former site are saying that Universal are planning to reboot one of their most famous movies of all — the original blockbuster, Jaws.

So, here’s the new slant. It seems that the studio are rumoured to have looked at attaching Tracy Morgan (upcoming Cop Out) to the film in the role originally occupied by Richard Dreyfuss. The site also reports that the film will be in 3D (ala Jaws 3-D).

Our insider says Tracy Morgan was at one point being considered for the part of Matt Hooper, previously played by Richard Dreyfuss. While it’s uncertain whether that’s still the plan, it does indicate that they seem to be taking a more comedic direction with the part.

This is just a rumor, from a source we’ve spoken with, but never used before. We’re working on some sort of official confirmation.

I’m not sure what I think of this… Yeah, you’re right. Terrible idea. Right? Check out more at Cinema Blend.

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