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Robert Pattinson bulking up for Breaking Dawn!

Twilight star Robert Pattinson is said to be beefing up for his role of Edward in the next Twilight film. According to the Mirror, the star has been ordered to bulk up for the role in Breaking Dawn, so he regularly hits fast food chain Nando’s.

“RPattz is a regular visitor to the Victoria branch in London, the customers can never believe it’s really him – or how much he eats!

“He’s mad about the peri peri chicken.”

Me too! I love that peri peri!

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Kate

    Apr 8, 2010 at 8:47 am


    Please note that Nando’s is not British but is a South African fast food chain, with branches in the UK.

    Thanx 😉

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