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Glee creator Ryan Murphy directing Mark Ruffalo in The Normal Heart

MTV are reporting that Ryan Murphy, the man behind the fantastic TV series Nip/ Tuck and the more recent Glee, is next to direct Mark Ruffalo in The Normal Heart.

Murphy told MTV: “I’m directing it from Larry Kramer’s beautiful script and we’re going to shoot that in June of next year,” Murphy said.

“I think it’s an important story and I think Mark Ruffalo is just beyond brilliant so I’m very excited to be directing him.”

Ruffalo explains the plot of the film:

“It’s basically a story of when the AIDS outbreak happened in New York. It wasn’t really taken seriously, I think specifically because it was ‘the gay cancer,’ they called it. I think it’s a really interesting time in America. I think to see someone who really does change the world by his commitment and he’s even totally by himself at times, there’s still a real power in that. I love that it’s a people-powered movement that actually changed the way our government looked at this epidemic. I think there’s a real powerful message to that and something that we forget. We can get really cynical about what we can do, it gets stacked against us and they’re all corrupt — and at the end of the day, everything starts with people. The reason they’re there is because of us.” Sounds intriguing.

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