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A Bunch Of New Images From Buried Arrive Online

We are hearing some really great things about the Ryan Reynolds starring Buried, which comes to cinemas in a couple of weeks time.

We have just been sent a whopping new bunch of (very samey) images from the flick.

I love the idea behind this film, and the simplicity of it all (see the full synopsis below), so I am amped to see it as you can tell.

The film also stars Robert Paterson, José Luis García-Pérez, Stephen Tobolowsky, Samantha Mathis, Warner Loughlin, Erik Palladino and Ivana Miño.

Synopsis: Paul Conroy is not ready to die. But when he wakes up 6 feet underground with no idea of who put him there or why, life for the truck driver and family man instantly becomes a hellish struggle for survival. Buried with only a cell phone and a lighter, his contact with the outside world and ability to piece together clues that could help him discover his location are maddeningly limited. Poor reception, a rapidly draining battery and a dwindling oxygen supply become his worst enemies in a tightly confined race against time— fighting panic, despair and delirium, Paul has only 90 minutes to be rescued.

Buried will arrive on September 29th in UK cinemas.

Check out the 30+ new images below.

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