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Avatar’s Laeta Kalogridis Rewriting James Cameron’s new production, Fantastic Voyage

James Cameron is reuniting with his buddy Laeta Kalogridis (pictured), executive producer of AVATAR, for the Fox remake of FANTASTIC VOYAGE. Kalogridis has joined the production and has been asked to undertake the task of rewriting the 1966 original.

VOYAGE is a classic sci-fi story revolving around a team of scientists who are shrunk to atomic proportions, all in an effort to save the life of a dying man. The project has been in development for an unhealthy amount of time, with many writers stepping up to the challenge of rewriting the screenplay. Amongst them Shane Salerno, Cormac and Marianne Wibberly, and Paul Greengrass.

Let’s all hope that Kalogridis, who wrote SHUTTER ISLAND for Martin Scorsese, can manage to succeed where others have failed.

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