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Ridley Scott’s ALIEN prequel details…


The Hollywood News has discovered some interesting plot details centred around Ridley Scott’s return to the ALIEN franchise.

Much of the recent news about the as-yet-untitled prequel to ALIEN has been about casting but the Australian entertainment site What’s Playing claims to have potential uncovered a much bigger, better scoop. The site has claimed to have come across a draft of the screenplay for the film and has published several interesting plot details before removing the information ” at the request of the studio”…

 Fortunately for The Hollywood News and the rest of the world, WorstPreviews managed to copy the draft before it was taken down and have published the details on their site.

Some of the plot details fall in line with what Scott himself has previouslt said in interviews; for example the exploration of the Space Jockey that we glimpsed in ALIEN and the concept of terraforming planets…

That’s the normal stuff… some of the rest of it is a little out of left field.

Read the plot details for yourself and remember, have your grains of salt firmly at the ready here.

– The script tells of the space jockeys traveling from planet to planet and terraforming them. The process is essentially transforming a planet where living beings can exist.

– The aliens are used by the Space Jockeys  in their terraforming process as some sort of biological tools. They usually don’t develop into the creatures that we know, but do so during the latest effort.

-The Space Jockeys are holding two human slave farmers captive. They are named Fin and Karik and are forced (via mind control) to engage in sexual activity. (The twist: they’re both male). ooohhh controversial not.

– The idea behind the man-on-man action is apparently that the growers want their human slaves to breed. They have no idea about human genders as they are a single sex race and so things get a little confused.

-The signature alien won’t appear until the latter half of the film when it fully develops.

-There will be a spaceship crew, consisting of a black female named Oliver, similar to Vasquez. And another female crew member named Truks, who may well be being played by Gemma Arterton..

So there it was… thanks to Worst Previews there!

*scratches head*

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