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JJ Abram and Steven Spielberg’s SUPER 8 gets a release date at last!

The film SUPER 8 has been issued an official release date by Paramount films. The movie is set be a dark medium  of reminiscence for director JJ Abram and producer Steven Spielberg. The plot involves a group of young boys in 1979 that  capture a sinister scene on a super 8 cameras. A clear message has been sent from all involved to assert that this movie is not a CLOVERFIELD sequel and will not be filmed in a grainy super 8 style. Instead, it will pay homage to Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment years.

For those unfamiliar with the company, picture a cycling silhouette framed by a perfect moon…there you go.  Needless to say, this era owes its significance to ET: EXTRA TERRESTRIAL. The company’s name originated from Spielberg’s first ever film, a heady 60’s silent short named AMBLIN’. The story follows a young Beatnik couple in search of a blissful beach, their journey paced by a dreamlike soundtrack of constant acoustic guitar.

The nostalgic desire to recreate the Amblin Entertainment years has a slight WILD STRAWBERRY’S feel, both JJ Abram and Spielberg have spoken about their love for running around with super 8’s as children. The movie is set to mirror the feel of ET and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. It will be interesting to see a Spielberg baby covered in Abram’s supernatural graffiti.

The proposed release date is set for 27th of May, 2011, which at the moment, seems  slightly ambitious. A strong cast including Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler, Gabriel Basso and Joel Courtney has been announced. At a recent comic con, JJ Abram unashamedly gushed about his respect for Spielberg and excitement about the project,

“It’s impossible to work with him and not constantly reference the work he has done, and you don’t want to sound like you are being a sicko fan.  But it’s been incredible, and he’s been beyond helpful.  And the movie is, I think, very much in the spirit of some of the Amblin films that he made years ago.  So it is a dream come true.  And I couldn’t imagine working on something that is more sort of personal and also hyper real.  It’s not like the movie is some kind of autobiography, but there is a lot of stuff in it that feels very personal.”

Have a peak at the SUPER 8 teaser trailer here, it was supposedly ‘leaked’, conveniently so….

After all that, I bet you’re thinking about scouring the web for AMBLIN’….in that case, viddy the video. It isn’t much to look at but you have to love the innocence, not to mention the utterly gormless expressions on the actor’s faces.



  1. Jayne Hasselroth

    Nov 3, 2010 at 7:09 pm

    How about some photos of Kyle Chandler on the set? That would be nice. I can’t wait to see Kyle Chandler in this movie. Steven Spielberg knows what he is doing. He has the best actor on the planet. What a great combination.
    Best Looking…Best Actor…Kyle Chandler!

  2. U.R. Obsessed

    Nov 3, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    Omg!! Is this the same Jayne that keeps posting all over the Kyle groups on facebook?? Stop it and get a life. Quit obsessing over a celebrity already. It’s one thing to be a ” fan” but you are just creepy. Get help.

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