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Cowboys & Aliens Trailer

Mr Jon ‘I only make comic book movies’ Favreau’s latest film COWBOYS & ALIENS have released the first official trailer for the film.

Based on the 2006 graphic novel by creator, Scott Mitchell Rosenberg written by Andrew Foley,Fred Van Lente and pencilled by Luciano Lima about aliens looking to enslave  Arizona Cowboys in the 19th century.  Daniel Craig plays the mysterious lead figure who wakes up with a strange device latched to his arm and no memory.  He quickly finds out that he’s a wanted man who has the only power to stop the alien posse when they come to town.

Also in the film is Harrison Ford playing the big bad cowboy of the town who fights alongside Craig.  The romantic interest is supplied by New Hollywood blockbuster darling, Olivia Wilde seen in the up coming TRON: LEGACY and the TV show HOUSE. Sam Rockwell also pops up somewhere but not in the trailer.

The film has an American release of July 29 2011 and will be out in the UK sometime next August.  Check out the trailer below.

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