Marvel is really starting to kick out the comic book TV projects announcing that Brian MichaelBendis’s adult comic, ALIAS is being adapted for TV.
Six+ months ago Marvel attached comic/TV writer Jeff Loeb as head of TV productions and since then a flutter of news has come out from the House of Ideas starting with a HULK TV show from Guillermo Del Toro. The green machine won’t be the first though with Melissa Rosenberg scriptwriter for TWILIGHT and occasionally showrunner on DEXTER releasing ALIAS from her Tall Girls Productions.
ALIAS is the story of Jessica Jones, an ex-superhero who becomes a private eye who goes around and solves various superhuman cases. The comic was one of Marvel’s first MAX imprint series which was strictly adults only and even featured a bi-racial anal sex scene between the main character and the Hero for Hire, Luke Cage.
With the comic being named ALIAS and the series most likely airing on ABC, the show will be renamed AKA JESSICA JONES so there is no conflict with Jennifer Garner’s spy show of the same name.
I think this is absolutely the best direction for Marvel to take especially has ALIAS was one of the best titles of the last decade and is already made for TV. Of course the show will be softened since its not on a cable channel like FX, AMC or HBO but should still be good fun. Also it could be an excellent testing ground for other street level commodities such as Misty Knight, Iron Fist, Morbius The Living Vampire and a hell of a lot others.
The show should be released sometime Fall 2011.