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Stage And Small Screen


Over the last week the internet has spilled out some new images of the brand spanking new THUNDERCATS designs and today saw the leak of Snarf the not so loved comedy relief of the show.

THUNDERCATS is a very beloved 80’s cartoon that is probably the last big 80’s property that has not been revamped/re-imagined/remade/whored out and I have to say the new images are promising, while except the new one of Snarf.

He/it looks so sickly sweet, it’s insane, but looks like he either doesn’t talk or at least won’t say his own name like a POKEMON all the bloody time….snarf….snarf. Here’s what the old Snarf looks like in case you can’t remember or weren’t there.

Below are some of the older images that have been coming out.

Paul finished is BA in Film & Broadcast Productions during the summer and has somehow landed the position of Media & Marketing Manager in the London Korean Film Festival happening this November (plug). While at University Paul found his speciality lay in Script Development, scriptwriting and Editing. He has written, edited and director a small number of not very good short films but does not let that dissuade him from powering through. After the Koreans are through with him he looks to enter the paid world of Script Development. He likes incredibly bad horror films, East Asian movies, comics and lots of other stuff.

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