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Columbus remaking HELLO GHOST

Christopher Columbus the man that kicked off the HARRY POTTER films is tackling a remake of new Korean film HELLO GHOST.

The 2010 film is about a young man that has a failed suicide attempt and wakes up in the hospital to find that he is haunted by four ghosts. He soon finds out that each ghost has one wish that he needs to fulfil in ordg er to get rid of them.

Columbus has stated that;

After watching Hello Ghost I was immediately struck by the film’s ability to mix comedy, drama and complex emotional themes. Its strong universal storyline translates to any culture, and I’m looking forward to bringing a version of this wonderful story to the English-speaking audience.”

It will probably be a year or two before the film hits our screens so in the meantime check out the trailer for the original Korean version. Sorry there is no subtitles but you’ll get the jist.

Paul finished is BA in Film & Broadcast Productions during the summer and has somehow landed the position of Media & Marketing Manager in the London Korean Film Festival happening this November (plug). While at University Paul found his speciality lay in Script Development, scriptwriting and Editing. He has written, edited and director a small number of not very good short films but does not let that dissuade him from powering through. After the Koreans are through with him he looks to enter the paid world of Script Development. He likes incredibly bad horror films, East Asian movies, comics and lots of other stuff.

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