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Statham is PARKER

Yes that’s right Jason Statham, the Transporter himself, will be cast as Donald Westlake famous revenge/noir character PARKER.

Following such 70’s remakes such as THE MECHANIC and DEATH RACE Statham will play the revenge hunger killer PARKER helmed by Taylor Hackford (RAY). The character and story has already been, loosely, adapted numerous times into film with Lee Marvin (POINT BLANK), Mel Gibson (PAYBACK) and Chow Yun Fat (FULL CONTACT). The film tells the story of a violent gangster who is shot and presumed dead by his wife and partner then seeks revenge upon them.

The story is a balls to the wall type full of blunt force action that Statham has really made a name for himself since THE TRANSPORTER and CRANK. Of course with there being a number of adaptations in the past who knows if this will stick closely to the book or not. I recommend the comic adaptation by Darwyn Cooke who turned PARKER into a beautiful graphic novel masterpiece as well as the follow ups including HEIST, if you want to get a flavour.

Paul finished is BA in Film & Broadcast Productions during the summer and has somehow landed the position of Media & Marketing Manager in the London Korean Film Festival happening this November (plug). While at University Paul found his speciality lay in Script Development, scriptwriting and Editing. He has written, edited and director a small number of not very good short films but does not let that dissuade him from powering through. After the Koreans are through with him he looks to enter the paid world of Script Development. He likes incredibly bad horror films, East Asian movies, comics and lots of other stuff.

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