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Todd Phillips says a Hangover Part III is a possiblity, but that WOULD be it!

Speaking ahead of next week’s release of THE HANGOVER PART II, director Todd Phillips has been talking about a possible third movie in the series, and the man himself has said that he has always envisaged the series as a trilogy.

Speaking at the US press conference today (via Coming Soon), the helmer said:

“Obviously we always envisioned it as a trilogy,” he said, “The third would be very much a finale and an ending… I haven’t discussed it with these actors yet. [It would] not follow the same template, but is very much a new idea.”

So where can we expect for a proposed third movie to take place?

“As far as where it takes place,” he added, “I’m very open. It’ll be like being on the Olympic committee, being pitched and presented cities, flown around with wine and women and bribes.”

I think he’s joking.

THE HANGOVER PART II is released everywhere on May 26th. We’ve not seen the film (we’re seeing it next Wednesday), but we’ll bring you our verdict ASAP!!!

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