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Here’s a list of directors being considered for Pirates of the Caribbean 5

I kinda took it for granted that Rob Marshall would be back for the planned PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5 after the huge box-office success of Pirates 4, but it appears that the helmer is not a lock for the film. It seems that his contract was a one picture deal after taking over from Gore Verbinski who dealt with the directing duties on the first three films as Disney and  producer Jerry Bruckheimer have a wish list of helmers for the next flick.

While Marshall is amongst that list, revealed by Cinema Blend, so is Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, Chris Weitz and Alfonso Cuaron. What do we think of that lot then? I can’t really see Tim Burton directing a Pirates movie, but then again… I’d love to see what Cuaron would do with the Disney dollars.

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES has taken a huge $600 million in a little over two weeks around the world. This one will keep on going…



  1. Guest

    Jun 4, 2011 at 9:26 am

    Director Ewing Miles Brown says Sam Botta has lost 74 lbs (now 150 lbs.) for Movie Tech Studios pre-production of “Live Fearless” Sam Botta Hosts the upcoming reality TV show. 🙂 in Pre-Production now with guests like Betty White, who says “Appreciate life while it’s happening!” Also “get over it” (referring to aging) and “I’m swimming as fast as I can” in reference to her work.

  2. Mazierialex

    Jun 18, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    I love it movie Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Johnny Depp the best Actor thanks for all peoples make the movie great job..

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