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Airborne trailer first look

It’s no secret that THN is quite the fan of Derby born director Dominic Burns and his loyal Brit pack. Although his offerings to the Jack gangster trilogy received a limited release, Burns and his ex-soap star work force seem to have endless projects in post-production. The latest offering, AIRBORNE peaked our interest above all the rest by steering Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) away from his voice-over bound career and back onto the big screen. The director kindly released the much anticipated footage over twitter this afternoon.

The plot seems to follow the pattern of an in-flight Poirot. The moment the wheels are tucked away, the pilots and passengers begin dropping like flies until we discover whodunnit. With his once baby-face now seasoned by actorly age, Hamill is capable of mastering a sinister smile, though the trailer gives little of his character away. Use of the bespoke Inception ‘BONG’ for the score is disappointing, though hopefully only a temporary choice. Other familiar faces include a fully clothed Gemma Atkinson and a half cut Simon Phillips , Airborn producer and partner in crime for just about every previous Dominic Burns project.

AIRBORNE managed to entice yet another Star Wars veteran, pulling Julian Glover into the mix. No official release date has been set, but keep your eyes open to fly the flag for British film.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Holly24

    Jun 15, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    Love this trailer!!! cannot wait until it’s released! Well done Dom and the gang…once again.x

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