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Film Clips

Footage from The Avengers

THE DARK KNIGHT is not the only superhero movie due out in 2012 to get papped of late. No sir. THN just posted some explosive photos taken from the set of THE AVENGERS, and here below you will find some moving images (in the sense that they move, it’s not particularly emotionally involving). This is spoiler free and gives nothing away, other than at some point, people do some running in a street. Still though, they couldn’t let ol’ Batman hog all the bandwidth.

John is a gentleman, a scholar, he’s an acrobat. He is one half of the comedy duo Good Ol’ JR, and considers himself a comedy writer/performer. This view has been questioned by others. He graduated with First Class Honours in Media Arts/Film & TV, a fact he will remain smug about long after everyone has stopped caring. He enjoys movies, theatre, live comedy and writing with the JR member and hetero life partner Ryan. Some of their sketches can be seen on YouTube and YOU can take their total hits to way over 17!

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