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More set pics from The Avengers

With all the anticipation for both THE AVENGERS and THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, fanboys have inundated the web with their own snaps and videos from both location shoots. And here is the latest collection of snaps (courtesy of Splash News) from Marvel Studios’ super-team, THE AVENGERS.

Further to a report earlier this week, it’s clear that Captain America and co are battling actors in motion capture duds, suggesting that (at least some of) the villians will be entirely CG. Our guess is a Skrull invasion… but for now it’s all just speculation. Check out these images of The Cap’ (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) laying the smack down on some pre-CG supervillains.

THE AVENGERS is directed by Joss Whedon, and co-stars Robert Downey Jr, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Remner, Scarlet Johansson, and Tom Hiidleston. It arrives in cinema 4th May 2012.

Tom Fordy is a writer and journalist. Originally from Bristol, he now lives in London. He is a former editor of The Hollywood News and Loaded magazine. He also contributes regularly to The Telegraph, Esquire Weekly and numerous others. Follow him @thetomfordy.

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