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Luc Besson’s teaser trailer for The Lady

Luc Besson re-defined the intelligent action thriller with 1994’s LEON and has always had a love for documentary when we recall the likes of THE BIG BLUE and ATLANTIS. He now merges the two as he directs THE LADY. Besson turns his directorial eye to the turbulent life of Aung Sun Suu Kyi and delves into her relationships as political disorder and a hostile government in Burma surround her.

Michelle Yeoh and the versatile David Thewlis take on this ambitious tale of the life and love between Aung San Suu Kyi and her husband Michael Aris. This story of loyalty and the strength of human spirit over adversity could not only take her story to a bigger, worldwide audience but we’re also hopeful that it could re-light the fire of Besson’s talent. Judging by this teaser trailer, we could be in for something especially inspiring.

Source: ComingSoon

Dan loves writing, film, music and photography. Originally from Devon, he did London for 4 years and now resides in Exeter. He also has a mild obsession with squirrels and cake. The latter being more of a hobby. Favourite movies include HIGH FIDELITY, ALMOST FAMOUS, ROXANNE, GOOD WILL HUNTING, JURASSIC PARK, too many Steve Martin films and Nolan's BATMAN universe. He can also be found on

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