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Plans Afoot For Beetlejuice Sequel

BEETLEJUICE (1988) is a cult classic that helped turn its director, Tim Burton, into a household name. It began what was arguably the high point of his career; the late eighties and early nineties saw him direct the brilliant and memorable BATMAN (1989), EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (1990), and BATMAN RETURNS (1992). It is with great trepidation then, that THN, courtesy of Deadline, reveals David Katzenberg and Seth Grahame-Smith’s (of KatzSMith productions) plans to reboot the production. The partners have just signed a two-year first-look feature producing deal at Warner Bros, where BEETLEJUICE 2 is the first project in the works to be named outright.

Warner Bros and The Geffen Company produced the original, which was a charming, humorous and rather dark tale. It focused on the spectral Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton), who, having been hired by a deceased couple to haunt the new owners of their home, unleashes his hilarious brand of trickery, depravity and debauchery upon them.

As well as boasting one of the best directors of the era and a mesmerising performance from Keaton, BEETLEJUICE exhibited a wonderfully talented ensemble cast that included Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder (when she was young and full of hope) and Catherine O’Hara. It will be a ridiculously difficult act to follow, and THN doesn’t hold out much hope, but alas, we must keep an open mind.

Martin has been a film buff (or geek, if you prefer) for as long as he can remember. However, he lives and longs for storytelling of all kinds, and writes across numerous mediums to feed his insatiable appetite. He lives in north-west London, and his favourite films are, possibly: PAN'S LABYRINTH, THEY LIVE, PSYCHO, HIGH FIDELITY, ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, STAND BY ME, SIDEWAYS and OFFICE SPACE.

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