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Hugh Jackman Talks Wolverine II

I really cannot force an opinion on another WOLVERINE movie, but personally I can say that I dug the hell out of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS earlier on in the year, and at present, that film sits high on my list of faves of 2011 so far. Well, like it or bloody lump it, WOLVERINE II, or whatever they decide to call it IS happening with the superb James Mangold holding the directing reins. Well, Wolvie himself, Hugh Jackman, is out and about on the promotional trail for next month’s REAL STEEL and he has been commenting on the state of play of the next cinematic outing for the fork fingered X-Man.

“Now that [director James Mangold’s] on board, we’re ready to go. For [LES MISERABLES] to work, we would have had to start WOLVERINE, basically, yesterday. So when we needed to press the button, we weren’t quite ready. So it will happen straight after.” Jackman said to The Playlist.

The actor then went on to discuss the script for the film, which after being originally written by Christopher McQuarrie, and then rewritten by Darren Aronofsky, its now getting a rehash from Mark Bomback.

“When a director takes over any script they need to make it their movie. So Jim hired Mark to help him make the movie his own. Darren had worked on the script himself and taken it in a certain direction that was right for him. And that would have been a great version of the movie. I’ve seen Jim’s version now and, you know, Jim saw things that weren’t working for him that were working for Darren. And I’ve got to hand it to Fox and to Jim, it’s easy when you start with the best script we’ve had from Chris McQuarrie. Which is why Darren signed on. So once you have that, that’s 80, 85 percent of your movie.”

Source: The Playlist

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