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Orlando Bloom Wants To Be A Pirate Again


Since the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN franchise ditched him, Orlando Bloom (THE CALCIUM KID) has experienced a bit of a career standstill. His role as an elf in the LORD OF THE RINGS films catapulted him to the A list, but a combination of being a fairly bad actor and getting one-upped by Johnny Depp has seen a less-than-promising career come to a grinding halt. It seems he’s hoping to change all that, though – by once again playing second fiddle in another PIRATES sequel.

‘I was quite sad not to be in the fourth and I really miss working on them’ said Bloom at the premier of Paul W S Anderson’s THE THREE MUSKETEERS. The first PIRATES film is one of the greatest examples of the main character being upstaged by a far more interesting supporting role, as Johnny Depp catapulted himself to exceptional levels of fame with his performance as Captain Jack Sparrow while Bloom’s character whinged a lot and wasn’t a pirate.

Bloom’s next high profile release is 2012’s THE HOBBIT, in which he revisits another of his classic characters, Legolas from the LORD OF THE RINGS films. Tolkien fans across the globe are sure to rush to cinemas for another chance to see Bloom slide down some stairs using his shield like a skateboard while firing a bow and arrow. Hopefully, Bloom’s agent will see sense and realise that the high point of his career was playing himself as a jerk in EXTRAS.

Source: The Daily Star



  1. ro bert parker

    Oct 11, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    jerk writing mate is there any need to be so bitchy.

  2. Randy

    Oct 14, 2011 at 2:29 am

    Obviously the author of this article has confused acting talent with outrageous mugging for the camera and the chewing of scenery. Bloom always delivers the performance he’s directed to, and he’s convincing.

    Go back over forty years to a young Harrison Ford being told by a studio exec he’d never get anywhere in films because of his lack of thespian excess in his first onscreen role –“But I thought I was supposed to look like a bellboy not a movie star!”

    I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Mr. Bloom.

  3. Josh Mills

    Oct 14, 2011 at 9:24 am

    Yeah, that’s probably what I did.

  4. Randy

    Oct 15, 2011 at 2:03 am

    Rex Reed just called. He wants his schtick back.

  5. Ice

    Oct 18, 2011 at 7:49 pm

    Wow. Such an unprofessional approach sure would make a few people laugh at the author’s pathetic attempt to “woof” at the famous actor. FYI: Bloom ditched Pirates, not otherwise. You really should dig some information to avoid looking so ignorant and having no clue of what really had happened. BTW, Depp would be still called a “Box Office poison” if he didn’t get lucky to be in one movie with such strong actors like Bloom, Rush, Davenport and others. I’m telling you this in case you’ve spent a few years looking at the comics. It certainly looks like it. Bye now.

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