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First Image Of Simon Pegg In A Fantastic Fear Of Everything

Simon Pegg’s predilection for portraying life’s losers hasn’t changed, and why should it? He is adept at pinpointing the subtle nuances of each role, and his comedy timing is impeccable. The image below is of Pegg as the protagonist, Jack, in A FANTASTIC FEAR OF EVERYTHING, and is the first to be released. It paints a seemingly accurate picture of the character.

Jack is a children’s author turned crime novelist who is engulfed by paranoia and an irrational fear of being murdered. This is due to his extensive research into the lives of Victorian serial killers. He is forced to confront his numerous demons when his long-suffering agent and a mysterious Hollywood executive put their faith in him and his work.

The film is co-directed by newcomers Crispian Mills and Chris Hopewell, and co-stars Amara Karan, Clare Higgins and Paul Freeman. Mills, who is probably best know as the outspoken singer and guitarist from the band Kula Shaker, also wrote the script.

A FANTASTIC FEAR OF EVERYTHING is due to hit UK cinema screens next year.

Source: Shocktillyoudrop

Martin has been a film buff (or geek, if you prefer) for as long as he can remember. However, he lives and longs for storytelling of all kinds, and writes across numerous mediums to feed his insatiable appetite. He lives in north-west London, and his favourite films are, possibly: PAN'S LABYRINTH, THEY LIVE, PSYCHO, HIGH FIDELITY, ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, STAND BY ME, SIDEWAYS and OFFICE SPACE.

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