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Emotive New Trailer for Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

We have a brand new trailer for EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE and it’s emotional stuff. This is sure to tug at the metaphorical heartstrings as it follows nine-year-old Oskar Schell who is played by Thomas Horn in his motion picture debut. When his father Thomas (Tom Hanks) is killed in the September 11th attacks, Oskar begins to search New York for a key to the lock that’s been left by his father.

Also starring Sandra Bullock as Oskar’s mother, this film is an adaptation from the best-selling novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. We’re sure to encounter one hell of a journey and self-discovery as Oskar treks NYC for clues to the mystery he’s been left with. He begins to find more than he expected which could well lead to a greater understanding of the world around him.

EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE is set for a February 3rd 2012 UK release and is directed by Stephen Daldry who’s previous work includes THE READER and BILLY ELLIOT. Here’s your trailer:

Source: AppleTrailers

Dan loves writing, film, music and photography. Originally from Devon, he did London for 4 years and now resides in Exeter. He also has a mild obsession with squirrels and cake. The latter being more of a hobby. Favourite movies include HIGH FIDELITY, ALMOST FAMOUS, ROXANNE, GOOD WILL HUNTING, JURASSIC PARK, too many Steve Martin films and Nolan's BATMAN universe. He can also be found on

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Denver Leonard

    Dec 6, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    ***Warning*** You may need some tissues to watch this one. Looks like a great movie. That song is by a band from Texas named Sleeperstar. Does a great job pushing the emotion of the scenes. Everything Must Find Its Place

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