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Dan Gilroy To Adapt Stan Lee’s The Annihilator

REAL STEEL and THE BOURNE LEGACY screenwriter Dan Gilroy has been confirmed to pen a big-screen adaptation of Stan Lee’s new creation THE ANNIHILATOR. The film will mark the debut production for Magic Storm Entertainment and follows the exploits of a young man given a second chance at life as a ‘international superhero’, who returns home to settle some scores.

Stan Lee commented:-

Words can’t express how excited I am about this project. It’s based on the most incredibly original and unique superhero I’ve created in a long time. Best of all, we’re excited to be working with a writer as talented as Dan Gilroy to helm the script. I expect the startling saga of our hero, The Annihilator, to become one of the most talked-about and popular franchises for a new generation worldwide!

Gilroy also stated:-

Stan’s created a ground-breaking superhero for our globalized world. The story spans cultures and continents in thrilling, character-driven style. Stan is straight-up at the top of his game and it’s a joy to have a hand in bringing this to the screen

Magic Storm Entertainment cheif Eric Mika also got in on the act by quoting:-

We could not be more pleased than to have Dan Gilroy come aboard to write this exciting script for our film. Dan’s knowledge and creative mind will undoubtedly create a strong base for a new franchise to the super hero genre world-wide.

Source: Magic Storm Entertainment

Craig was our great north east correspondent, proving that it’s so ‘grim up north’ that losing yourself in a world of film is a foregone prerequisite. He has been studying the best (and often worst) of both classic and modern cinema at the University of Life for as long as he can remember. Craig’s favorite films include THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, JFK, GOODFELLAS, SCARFACE, and most of John Carpenter’s early work, particularly THE THING and HALLOWEEN.

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