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Spielberg Talks About Upcoming Project Robopocalypse

Although Mr Steven Spielberg has already been set to direct ROBOPOCALYPSE since Mark Sourian and Holly Bario (Co-Presidents of Production for DreamWorks Studios) confirmed it in late 2010, this is the first news since and it’s got intriguing similarities to the likes of Philip K Dick’s Minority Report. It’s based on the novel by Daniel H Wilson and adapted by Drew Goddard, the man who wrote CLOVERFIELD.

On a basic level it’s a science-fiction film set after the robots take over the world but Spielberg is very aware of this but feels its relevance is incredibly important to today’s world. This isn’t due for production until LINCOLN is finished but here’s what the great man himself had to say.

“It’s a movie about a global war between man and machine. It’s a future that is coming true faster than any of us thought it would. ‘Robopocalypse’ takes place in 15 or 20 years, so it’ll be another future we can relate to. It’s about the consequences of creating technologies which make our lives easier, and what happens when that technology becomes smarter than we are. It’s not the newest theme, it’s been done throughout science fiction, but it’s a theme that becomes more relevant every year.”

ROBOPOCALYPSE is set for a summer 2013 release.

Dan loves writing, film, music and photography. Originally from Devon, he did London for 4 years and now resides in Exeter. He also has a mild obsession with squirrels and cake. The latter being more of a hobby. Favourite movies include HIGH FIDELITY, ALMOST FAMOUS, ROXANNE, GOOD WILL HUNTING, JURASSIC PARK, too many Steve Martin films and Nolan's BATMAN universe. He can also be found on

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