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New Image Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

Tonight is the series finale of the BBC’s fantastic SHERLOCK, and will no doubt feature Martin Freeman in some intense scenes. But could they be more intense than this?

An image has been released of Freeman in THE HOBBIT, and he sure has come a long way since sighing at the camera in THE OFFICE.

We see Bilbo ‘Badass’ Baggins clutching Sting (that’s his sword. He is not embracing everybody’s favourite bass player), surrounded by webbing. Does this indicate more big ol’ spiders like Shelob? If you’ve read the book, you’ll know the answer is yes.

I know, I’ll be hiding too.

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY is released on 14th December.

(click on the image, Hobbitses, for very high resolution)


John is a gentleman, a scholar, he’s an acrobat. He is one half of the comedy duo Good Ol’ JR, and considers himself a comedy writer/performer. This view has been questioned by others. He graduated with First Class Honours in Media Arts/Film & TV, a fact he will remain smug about long after everyone has stopped caring. He enjoys movies, theatre, live comedy and writing with the JR member and hetero life partner Ryan. Some of their sketches can be seen on YouTube and YOU can take their total hits to way over 17!

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