Cast: Jim Sturgess, Anne Hathaway, Rafe Spall, Patricia Clarkson
Certificate: 12A
Running Time: 108 minutes
I have had a near year long love affair with a story called ONE DAY. It was born out of a fleeting moment in a book store at Gatwick Airport shortly before I left for sunny climbs back last May, and ever since I have cherished the time that we have spent together… sitting by the pool sipping Margueritas in Greece, on the beach washing the waves crash into the sands, and the many nights enjoyed tucked up in bed… It has been a releationship that has been quite turbulent. Who could forget the time when that moment happened in the rain in that novel, and me breaking down in tears poolside as a result. You went away for a short while, but in the latter half of 2011 we took a trip to the cinema together and we were reunited one day (pun intented) when you flashed before my eyes on the cinema screen. I thought you were portrayed quite well, and I enjoyed that morning with you. Now, finally I can take you home… on DVD.
So, I will stop with this silliness, but as you can see from my words above, and indeed my original theatrical review of ONE DAY, that I do indeed like this love story. Please do not get me wrong; I enjoyed the novel much much more, but original writer and film scripter David Nicholls always had his work cut out trying to portray twenty years of a love affair to the screen.
As my original review stated, a lot is lost in the transfer. The filmmakers have gone for a much lighter touch, rather that concentrate on the darker undertones of the source material, and a hell of a lot of content has been lost in the process. Still, I watched once again on the small screen, and yes, I enjoyed it once more as Dexter’s and Emma’s romance played before my eyes. The film is incredibly well shot and the direction from AN EDUCATION helmer Lone Sherfig is well crafted and well paced. The leads Jim Sturgess and Anne Hathaway give their all as the the two leads, and in all honesty are pretty good in their two lead roles; that’s if you can steer yourself away from dwelling on Hathaway’s dodgy northern accent.
Perfectly timed for Valentine’s Day, ONE DAY will not dissappoint if you’re looking for a smart, well written romantic story to give/ watch to your better half. It may not stand up to repeat viewings, so may more suit a rental list rather than a shelf archive, so for that reason after the second viewing, I have to confirm that my own romance with the film is now officially over.
Possibly a one night stand rather than marriage material… (okay, I will stop).
Read my more detailed theatrical review of the film here.
The Extras:
Em and Dex, Through the Years
The Look of One Day: Making a 20 Year Love Story
Anny Hathaway: Bringing Emma to Life
The Look of One Day Creating Emma with Anne
The Look of One Day: Dexter’s Transformation
Feature Commentary with Director Lone Scherfig.
ONE DAY is released on DVD and Blu-Ray in the UK on Monday 6th February 2012.