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Feb 14, 2012 at 3:49 pm
Will John Turtorro finally realise that he’s better than all this?
So he’s better than all of this, but he’s not better than all the crap Adam Sandler movies he has made? Are you serious?
Transformers made Turturro even more famous among the general audience. And the Sandler films made him a complete clown. He should realize that he’s better than the Sandler films.
The Transformers films, on the other hand, are great. And he’s great in them. End of story.
John Sharp
Feb 19, 2012 at 9:56 am
It goes without saying that Turtorro is utterly fantastic. That’s just John Turtorro, that’s how he rolls. But the Transformers films being great? I fear sir, that may not be the case. Disagree with me (and, y’know, everyone) all you like. We shall let history will judge them.