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Halloween 3D Suffers Setback

As the barrage of Hollywood remakes continue to hurtle there way towards our violated senses at an ever-increasing speed, there is some refreshing news in the form of the cancellation – at least temporarily – of the making of HALLOWEEN 3D. Dimension films originally had the release date pencilled in for October of this year but now it seems eager fans (if there are any) will have to wait until at least 2013, or, with any luck, until the end of time.

Sources from Dimension relayed the information to Shocktillyoudrop, including a reassurance that the film is still a priority, and has merely been placed on the shelf for now. Todd Farmer and Patrick Lussier, who co-wrote the screenplay for DRIVE ANGRY 3D, have collaborated with the head of Dimension films, Bob Weinstein, and even produced a script for the shunned piece, but nothing is concrete at this time.

The fact that a second re-make of HALLOWEEN in less than five years is even being discussed is a sure sign that Hollywood, and particularly the horror genre, is bereft of original creativity. It is a blind sea lion pup flailing about in a vast ocean of uncertainty.

Source: Shocktillyoudrop

Martin has been a film buff (or geek, if you prefer) for as long as he can remember. However, he lives and longs for storytelling of all kinds, and writes across numerous mediums to feed his insatiable appetite. He lives in north-west London, and his favourite films are, possibly: PAN'S LABYRINTH, THEY LIVE, PSYCHO, HIGH FIDELITY, ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, STAND BY ME, SIDEWAYS and OFFICE SPACE.

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