Josh Trank’s found-footage thriller CHRONICLE, released earlier this year, was a pleasant surprise in a now tired sub-genre. The story of three best friends who, when they come into contact with an unknown glowing force underground, acquire an impressive array of superpowers. But as we’ve previously been told, ‘with great power, comes great responsibility‘, and one of these friends takes his telekinetic abilities too far – resulting in a quite brilliant, final third act.
The film was a box-office smash on a rather meager budget of only $12 million and we soon got word that screenwriter Max Landis was once again hired for the sequel. Only a few days ago Landis, in an interview with MeMovies, went on to gives a few plot details about just what we can expect from his follow-up storyline.
That edited footage in the first movie is a thing. You can’t deny cars being thrown in the air in Seattle. You saw all those helicopters. The world changed. That’s the end of ‘Chronicle.’ And things are going to be different now. They can’t possibly cover up what happened.
I loved Matt (played by Alex Russell) and I felt really bad for him because I understood just how emotionally lazy he is and how he doesn’t really do what he’s doing. And that’s why I’m putting him through hell in Chronicle 2, (which will chart the rise of ) the world’s first supervillain.
A new director is being sought, as original helmer Josh Trank, is not expected to return for the sequel. Trank has been in talks for a number of projects including Fox’s FANTASTIC FOUR reboot, as well as a spin-off movie based on SPIDER-MAN villain VENOM.
Craig was our great north east correspondent, proving that it’s so ‘grim up north’ that losing yourself in a world of film is a foregone prerequisite. He has been studying the best (and often worst) of both classic and modern cinema at the University of Life for as long as he can remember. Craig’s favorite films include THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, JFK, GOODFELLAS, SCARFACE, and most of John Carpenter’s early work, particularly THE THING and HALLOWEEN.