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Remember ALF? He’s Back! In Film Form!

Paul Fusco, creator and puppeteer of 1980s and 90s comedy alien ALF hopes the franchise could hit the big screen in the near future.

What with all things 80s bothering cinemas of late – TRANSFORMERS, GI: JOE, THE A TEAM, 21 JUMP STREET etc – it makes sense that ALF show up too. However, a lot of people may only know the rubbery alien from occasional appearances in THE SIMPSONS or from the t-shirts of 80s kids. But his creator Paul Fusco is convinced the iron is hot enough to strike.

‘I think the timing is right. That’s a big important thing, timing. There have been movies out there of characters that I didn’t think were on the same parallel as ALF that got movies made, so I think it’s time. I think it could be a home run on a lot of levels.’

If you’ve never seen ALF, its basically ET the sitcom. An alien crash lands in the garden of a middle class family and they look after him. He lives, he learns, he loves, but boy does he ever crack wise! In fact, think more PAUL than ET and you’re pretty much there. ALF stands for Alien Life Form, and he could well be alien to the majority of movie goers out there. But Fusco thinks a contemporary setting would be ideal.

‘ALF could be more outspoken now than ever, because the world is a whole different place than the ’80s. And I think the character still stands up and certainly has more to say now than ever. I think we would approach it in a fresh way. I don’t think we would duplicate the TV show, but I think we would maybe put it in a storyline where we would explain how ALF got here and put him with a new family and let the character speak for himself.’

For the full interview and a pretty darn thorough history of ALF, check THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. Are there any more 80s classics you’d like to see make the leap to theatres? We’re holding out for ULYSSES 31. He may not have have been as outspoken as ALF, but dammit, he had a better theme tune.

The Hollywood Reporter

John is a gentleman, a scholar, he’s an acrobat. He is one half of the comedy duo Good Ol’ JR, and considers himself a comedy writer/performer. This view has been questioned by others. He graduated with First Class Honours in Media Arts/Film & TV, a fact he will remain smug about long after everyone has stopped caring. He enjoys movies, theatre, live comedy and writing with the JR member and hetero life partner Ryan. Some of their sketches can be seen on YouTube and YOU can take their total hits to way over 17!



  1. Sam Carey

    May 24, 2012 at 8:14 pm

    This dude is a bit deluded if he reckons ALF can stand up today. I didn’t think it was that great back in the day let alone 25 years on. Hollywood ay, they’ll recycle anything.

  2. DALLAS daniel hessler junior

    Jun 3, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    u r makin the 80,s com aliv

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