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‘Black Nativity’ Looks For Star-Studded Screen Adaptation

It may (allegedly) be the summertime but there is some festive talk in the air and not just festive but star-studded as Kasi Lemmons (TALK TO ME) is looking at adapting BLACK NATIVITY for the big screen with some pretty big hitters possibly attached in the form of Samuel L ‘can’t say no’ Jackson, Jennifer Hudson (DREAMGIRLS) and Angela Bassett (MALCOLM X). BLACK NATIVITY is a gospel take on the traditional Christmas tale (controversial) with the below taken from the official website:

Produced by the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Black Nativity is the joyous account of an historic event that occurred 2,000 years ago. It’s a celebration that tells the original story of the Nativity in scripture, verse, music and dance. Based on the Gospel of St. Luke, combined with the poetry of Langston Hughes, this song-play touches a special chord in the hearts of all.

BLACK NATIVITY is currently wrapped in a blanket in a barn in Bethlehem but we’ll keep you updated as it develops.

Source: Collider

Sam is a bloody lovely lad born and raised in Bristol (he’s still there and can’t escape). Favourite films include THE LOST BOYS, DRIVE, FIGHT CLUB and COMMANDO, well pretty much any 1980s Arnie film you can throw his way…even RED SONJA. Sam once cancelled a Total Film subscription after they slagged off Teen Wolf. He resubscribed 2 days later.

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