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Wes Anderson’s ‘Grand Budapest Hotel’ Gets A Surprising Cast Addition

Surprising may be pushing it, but it’s casting news regardless as Bill Murray has been added to Wes Anderson’s soon to shoot GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL, alongside A-listers Jude Law and Johnny Depp.

Amongst the THN crew are some massive Anderson fans and detractors, so this news has raised smiles and frowns in equal measure. But what do you make of it, has their collaboration outstayed its welcome?

GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL is expected sometime next year, we’ll keep you Anderson fans aware of any developments.

Source: First Showing


Sam is a bloody lovely lad born and raised in Bristol (he’s still there and can’t escape). Favourite films include THE LOST BOYS, DRIVE, FIGHT CLUB and COMMANDO, well pretty much any 1980s Arnie film you can throw his way…even RED SONJA. Sam once cancelled a Total Film subscription after they slagged off Teen Wolf. He resubscribed 2 days later.

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