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5 New Character Posters For ‘Gangster Squad’

GANGSTER SQUAD is amping up its promotion after its delay due to the re-filming of certain scenes deemed inappropriate after the cinema shooting earlier this year. Earlier we brought you the new trailer and the new poster, but that just isn’t enough for this all-star ensemble. We need individual character posters. GANGSTER SQUAD sees a special branch of the LAPD out to kick some gangster bottoms. And that’s the exact kind of language they would use back then as well.

I really love the layout of these posters, especially how each one focuses on a character, but has a supporting character slightly out of focus in the background. They may still announce the old release date, but I’m sure when they hit the multiplexes they’ll be up to date.

GANGSTER SQUAD is coming to the UK on 11th January 2013. It stars Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Josh Brolin, Emma Stone, Giovanni Ribisi, Anthony Mackie, Michael Pena, Robert Patrick, and Frank Grillo.

Source: First Showing

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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