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Ridley Scott Confirms Blade Runner 2 And Trolls Your Head Off

Ridley Scott has been talking about sequels, with some details about the PROMETHEUS follow up and confirming BLADE RUNNER 2. And Lord above, it’s almost like he’s trolling us.


Regarding where PROMETHEUS could go from here, Scott said it had ‘…Evolved into a whole other universe. You’ve got a person (Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw) with a head in a bag (Michael Fassbender’s David) that functions and has an IQ of 350. It can explain to her how to put the head back on the body and she’s gonna think about that long and hard because, once the head is back on his body, he’s dangerous.’

So Shaw’s quandary is ‘Should I reassemble this death machine when I can learn all I need to know from his disembodied head?’ So far, so unfulfilling. It’s almost like he’s trying to make this sound bad. Please to elaborate?

‘They’re going off to paradise but it could be the most savage, horrible place. Who are the Engineers?’ You should have bloody told us in your last film, Riddles! What if you didn’t get to make a sequel, all these questions would go unanswered in your quest for a franchise! I wouldn’t mind so much but the answers you did give us were pure plop plops!

Some things are just better left to our imaginations. Like whether or not Deckard was a replicant in BLADE RUNNER, which is one of the great mysteries of cinema that would only be ruined by a sequel. Right?


‘It’s not a rumour – it’s happening. With Harrison Ford? I don’t know yet. Is he too old? Well, he was a Nexus-6 so we don’t know how long he can live (laughs). And that’s all I’m going to say at this stage.”


It took him PROMETHEUS to bugger up the ALIEN mythology, yet he seems to have done it to BLADE RUNNER with a casual sentence. Is he having a laugh? Is he toying with his fans? Will our favourite moments be lost in time? Like tears in some sort of rain or something?

Cheers Riddles. Ya bell end.

Source: The Metro, Coming Soon

John is a gentleman, a scholar, he’s an acrobat. He is one half of the comedy duo Good Ol’ JR, and considers himself a comedy writer/performer. This view has been questioned by others. He graduated with First Class Honours in Media Arts/Film & TV, a fact he will remain smug about long after everyone has stopped caring. He enjoys movies, theatre, live comedy and writing with the JR member and hetero life partner Ryan. Some of their sketches can be seen on YouTube and YOU can take their total hits to way over 17!

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