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Jonathan Nolan Discusses The Ending Of The Dark Knight Rises

NB: Some spoilers may appear for the remaining couple of people who for some absurd reason haven’t seen TDKR yet!

It seems like every time Christopher Nolan releases a film, people almost instantly start to argue about it like crazy people with his endings especially ambigous. With INCEPTION people almost got in fights arguing whether or not Cobb was stuck in a dream and more recently with THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, some people interpret it as Alfred only imagining to see Bruce Wayne alive at the end. They tend to point to everything from the use of hallucinations throughout the film to the colour of dress that Selina Kyle wears, but no one seems to have a definite answer. Well, Jonathan Nolan recently talked to IGN about and…errm…he didn’t really shed much light on it. He says on the subject:

‘I’ve long maintained that if you get to that place where people are passionate about it, and arguing about what the end of your film means, that’s great. And who am I to put my opinion into the mix?’

So, once again, the Nolan brothers refuse to deliver a straight up answer, but it kind of would’ve taken a lot of the fun out of it if he had. After all, one of Christopher Nolan’s biggest strengths is his ability to make films that make you argue and interpret in your own way. As for the inclusion of Robin, Jonathan Nolan says that it was more of a wink to the audience than them trying to wedge Robin into the film (something that Christopher Nolan has previously said he never would).

The full interview with Jonathan Nolan can be found below:

Source: IGN

Esben Evans is the Danish contingent on this site. He enjoys films, swearing a lot, and a nice pair of slacks.

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