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Groundhog Day Blu-Ray Review

Director: Harold Ramis

Starring: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott

Running Time: 101 minutes

Certificate: PG

Extras: Audio commentary with Harold Ramis, ‘A Different Day’ interview with Harold Ramis, ‘The Weight Of Time’ doc, ‘The Real Life Look At Marmots’ feature, deleted scenes, Needle Nose Ned’s Picture In Picture Track, trailers

Continuing Sony Pictures Home Entertainment schedule of re-released classics is Bill Murray’s finest moment, GROUNDHOG DAY.

Weatherman Phil Connors (Murray) is miserable and fed up with his life at a Pittsburgh TV station. But when he visits Punxsutawney for the annual Groundhog Day festivities Connor’s misery is about to be experienced tenfold as he relives 2nd February over and over again.

The magnificence of GROUNDHOG DAY can’t be underestimated: Murray is imperious in the lead role, Andie MacDowell is excellent, Chris Elliott the perfect deflection for Murray’s sardonic wit. It also boasts arguably the greatest crama – comedy/romance/drama – screenplay ever written. Harold Ramis and debut writer Danny Rubin capture the imagined frustrations of a replicated day wonderfully, and the recurring characters add depth to the film: Ned, Nancy, Doris et al reenact their respective scenes perfectly every time they appear.

A film of tremendous quality and enjoyment, GROUNDHOG DAY gives the audience so much more, teaching redemption in a way that no film, before or since, has been able to. Phil Connor’s development through the film is plain to see, but the real treat is how he doesn’t merely get from A-to-Z instead going via C, D, and even E so it takes until the final act to warm to Phil. We may enjoy what he is doing, but he’s a jerk – no need for violence, degradation or any of the usual traits. He’s just unpleasant and the fact we like him at all is testament to the pairing of Murray and the script.

The issue with GROUNDHOG DAY is that it is too good. Almost 20 years on it is as fresh as it ever was (and will be in another 20), an incredible achievement given some of the dross on the soundtrack. It will make you look at mortal movies in a disparaging way; suddenly CITIZEN KANE will be on the same level as BATMAN & ROBIN. GROUNDHOG DAY is a tremendous treat, and a day you won’t mind reliving.

Extras: The interview with Harold Ramis confirms that he is probably the nicest man in the world, which is reinforced by ‘The Weight Of Time’ featuring interviews with all the main players, sans Murray. ‘The Real Life Look At Marmots’ is interesting for those with an animal penchant, but others can give it a miss. Needle Nose Ned’s Picture in Picture is a nice bit of trivia but as the only new extra is disappointing. The audio commentary is great fun, as are the deleted scenes.

GROUNDHOG DAY is available on Blu-ray now

Sam is a bloody lovely lad born and raised in Bristol (he’s still there and can’t escape). Favourite films include THE LOST BOYS, DRIVE, FIGHT CLUB and COMMANDO, well pretty much any 1980s Arnie film you can throw his way…even RED SONJA. Sam once cancelled a Total Film subscription after they slagged off Teen Wolf. He resubscribed 2 days later.

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