The search for a director worthy of taking on the challenge of STAR WARS EPISODE VII continues, as Brad Bird has confirmed via Twitter that he is directing a sci-fi for Disney, but that sci-fi will be potential George Clooney vehicle 1952 and not the latest installment of the STAR WARS franchise. Bird had been suggested as one of the two people Disney were looking at, due to his success with MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL and his connections with Disney via Pixar. However, he has been adamantly denying any involvement in STAR WARS by responding to tweets.
Brad Bird ?@BradBirdA113
“@rsavenell: You are on people’s lists as top choice for Star Wars, yet haven’t confirmed. Please end this tease!” Not doing Star Wars.
“@ClarkGoble: tell me your next one is the new Star Wars!” Nope. A science fiction film. Not Star Wars.
“@JoesMonster: @wearebuffaloz Is it Star Wars Episode VII? Because I really hope it’s Star Wars Episode VII…” It’s not Episode VII.
“@GeoffBreedwell: You’re not doing EP7? Why not? You’re perfect for it!” Thanks. But the science fiction film I AM doing is gonna be cool.
“@gregaveryowens: Totally just saw @BradBirdA113 slam Star Wars. Brilliant!” I’m not slamming Star Wars. I’m just doing “1952?! Sheesh!
That said, Michael Arndt is a fantastic writer and Kathy Kennedy is a brilliant producer. I will be first in line to see the new STAR WARS.
Sounds a bit like Bird is becoming rightfully frustrated, as I’m sure he wants people to take note of his own bloomin’ Sci-Fi. I doubt this news will stop the speculation, and some will claim that 1952 is just code for the newest STAR WARS films.
Source: Brad Bird’s Twitter