The Story: Rick, Daryl, and Oscar (along with Michonne) infiltrate Woodbury in a bid to rescue Maggie & Glenn. Carl encounters another group of survivors, led by a man called Tyreese, who’ve somehow made it into the prison.
The Verdict: Easily the tensest hour of television this year, MADE TO SUFFER is a fantastic example of just how brilliant THE WALKING DEAD can be. As a mid-season finale it lays the groundwork for the second half of the season, whilst at the same time delivering a stomping episode in it’s own right.
The addition of fan favourite Tyreese and his group will have WALKING DEAD fans dancing in happy hysterics. A slight but confident introduction, the new characters are likeable and intriguing with a great performance from newcomer Chad Coleman (THE WIRE) as Tyreese.
It’s the Woodbury storyline though that’s the real reason MADE TO SUFFER is so bloody amazing: The Governor’s fight with Michonne is raw and emotional, whilst the battle scene ramps the tension up to eleven. The decision to leave Daryl’s fate hanging until the closing moments is cruel but inspired, whilst Rick’s vision of Shane was a clever use of cameo. However, once again it’s the closing moments that kick the most butt, as Daryl and Merle are finally reunited, just as the Governor declares war! What will become of our favourite redneck and his despicable brother? I don’t know, but this week’s episode has made me want to find out for sure. February can’t come round quick enough.
Best Bit: Rick zoning out and seeing Shane walking towards him gun in hand. Who knew that Jon Bernthal would be back so soon, and that there was still plenty of mileage in the whole ‘Rick goes nuts’ storyline? If there’s more like this in the second half, we could be in for a treat.
Worst Bit: Oscar’s death. It barely registered on any kind of emotional level, and just felt like a death for the sake of a death.
WTF: What is it with THE WALKING DEAD and killing off it’s African-American characters?!First T-Dog dies, only to be replaced by Oscar; then this week Oscar dies, only to be replaced by Tyreese. C’mon guys, sort it out, let’s give Tyreese a proper storyline and not kill him off so quickly just because you suddenly introduce another African-American character. You can have more then one, you know, this isn’t HIGHLANDER!
Great Gore: Michonne stabbing her sword through the mouth of the Governor’s zombified daughter, Penny. Oh, and the Governor getting his eye stabbed out with broken glass. What other show could get away with this sort of carnage? None, that’s how many.
Hopes and Desires: Andrea finally gets to do something aside from shag the Governor, that we find out more regarding Axel (now the only surviving prisoner in the group), and that Daryl lives… oh please god, let Daryl live!
Join us next year for more of THN’s THE WALKING DEAD Blog.
From an early age, Matt Dennis dreamt of one day becoming a Power Ranger. Having achieved that dream back in the noughties, he’s now turned his hand to journalism and broadcasting. Matt can often be found in front of a TV screen, watching his current favourite shows such as DOCTOR WHO, GAME OF THRONES, SHERLOCK, DAREDEVIL, and THE WALKING DEAD, though he’s partial to a bit of vintage TV from yesteryear.
Matt also co-presents the Geek Cubed podcast, which you can download from iTunes. It’s quite nice.