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Spielberg Discusses ‘Robopocalypse’ Cancellation

RobopocalypseAfter yesterday’s news that ROBOPOCALYPSE was going to be post-poned, we were all a little upset. It seems like a long time since Spielberg has done a really big sci-fi epic. I don’t count INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL. Even though it may contain aliens, I don’t even count it as a film. In a recent interview Steven Spielberg spoke up himself about whether we’ve heard the last about ROBOPOCALYPSE (it’s like the apocalypse, but withrobots).

We found that the film was costing a lot of money, and I found a better way to tell the story more economically but also much more personally. I found the personal way into ROBOPOCALYPSE, and so I just told everybody to go find other jobs, I’m starting on a new script and we’ll have this movie back on its feet soon.

That’s good news for the future, and hopefully this means we’ll get a much more emotionally charged film. When somebody as adept at moviemaking as Steven Spielberg needs a break, then you know it’s for good reason.

ROBOPOCALYPSE was originally set for 25th April 2014. With stars such as Chris Hemsworth, Anne Hathaway, and Ben Whishaw considered for roles.

Source: EW

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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