Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller are currently shooting their SIN CITY prequel in Texas, and the recent casting announcements suggest the return to Basin City is going to be just as awesome as the first film. Speaking to MTV, Rodriguez gave a few hits at just what the new additions have been up to and confirmed Bruce Willis’ Hartigan, who was killed in the original, will also make a welcome return.
He also commented that the new film, which hits cinemas on the 14th October, will be shot in 3D and that the aforementioned deal with the ‘Dame’ worth killing for – Ava Lord – is still to be be finalised.
[Juno Temple] just shot, she was fantastic. Her and Ray Liotta played together, they were amazing. Jeremy Piven shot just last night… we were shooting last night, all night. There are some characters from the book. It might surprise people who they play and the turns that they do… Bruce [Willis] is back, so you’ll be seeing him…
We have some choices in mind [for Ava Lord but] we haven’t finalised the casting. She doesn’t shoot for a couple weeks.
We shot this in 3D. We didn’t shoot Sin City in 3D. I wouldn’t want to convert that one probably. The difference in shooting it is just… you can’t even compare.
Because this is a very two dimensional world it’s very stylised. To see that kind of stylisation in 3D will blow people’s mind.
SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR will co-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Mickey Rourke, Christopher Meloni, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Jaime King, Dennis Haysbert , Juno Temple, Ray Liotta, Jeremy Piven and Jamie Chung.
Source: MTV