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Trance Blu-Ray Review

TranceDirector: Danny Boyle

Starring: James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel

Running Time: 97 minutes

Certificate: 15

Extras: Deleted Scenes, Danny’s Film Noir, Hypnotherapy, The Look, The Final Rewrite, Danny Boyle Film Retrospective, Trailer

What would you do if you were directing the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic games five days a week? Well, if you’re Danny Boyle you’d make a highly stylised, smart thriller the other two days. Available now on Blu-ray and DVD the resulting TRANCE may not sit alongside TRAINSPOTTING at the top of Boyle’s output but it’s still a smart, beautifully shot film.

Simon (McAvoy), a fine art auctioneer, is introduced to us as he breaks down what to do in the case of a robbery mid-auction. Following this introduction the inevitable happens as gang-leader (Cassel) attempts to steal a multi-million pound piece of art with Simon’s help. Following the attempt Simon receives a blow to the head which causes amnesia, and he forgets the location of the work of art. Attempting to extract the information the gang hire a hypnotherapist (Dawson), who can help Simon remember.

The premise of TRANCE, laid out in Joe Ahearne and John Hodge’s wonderful screenplay, leads the viewer into a tale of twists and turns where no-one seems to be who they say they are. The resultant intrigue mean this is a film that whilst often frustrating, is never dull. Where the film is let down slightly is its middle act; there is plenty of paranoia amongst the three main characters and the film threatens to get lost in a swirl before a thrilling final act undoes any problems. Amongst the actors there is a revelatory performance from Rosario Dawson, an actress of promise who, put centre-stage, excels wonderfully opposite McAvoy and the tremendous Cassel. There is also a lovely performance from London; all neon, backlit and gloomy by night the city is a perfect setting and through Boyle’s lens it has rarely looked better. Complimenting the visuals is a note-perfect score by Rick Smith which creates a claustrophobic and paranoid atmosphere magnificently.

Fast-paced, electrifyingly shot and well acted TRANCE is a film that has a serious tone, but never takes itself too seriously. Boyle has done better work, but even his ‘enjoyable guff’ is better than 90% of directors finest works. Well worth a look.

4 StarsTRANCE is available on Blu-ray and DVD now

Sam is a bloody lovely lad born and raised in Bristol (he’s still there and can’t escape). Favourite films include THE LOST BOYS, DRIVE, FIGHT CLUB and COMMANDO, well pretty much any 1980s Arnie film you can throw his way…even RED SONJA. Sam once cancelled a Total Film subscription after they slagged off Teen Wolf. He resubscribed 2 days later.

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