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‘Beyond The Hills’ Trailer Offers Demonic Possession From Romania

After South Korea and Denmark, I find the most fascinating, captivating, and cinematically challenging films are coming straight out of Romania. The first trailer for BEYOND THE HILLS has just been released and it looks as though that trend will continue. If you roll your eyes at the thought of my possession films, then never fear, for this is from Cristian Mungiu, the director of the exceptional 4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS. The trailer looks as though it will focus more on friendship than the exorcism itself and comes across as very low-key. It won Best Screenplay at last years Cannes Film Festival, as well as the award for Best Actress, or should that be Best Actresses as stars Cosmina Stratan and Cristina Flutur shared the award.

BEYOND THE HILLS will be released in the UK on 15th March 2013 and will have limited theatrical releases across the US over the course of the year. It stars Cosmina Stratan, Cristina Flutur, Valeriu Andriuta, and Dana Tapalaga.

Beyond The Hills Poster


Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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